Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Back-to-Back Episodes of Adorkable - New Girl Season Two Premiere Recap

The adorkable Jessica Day is back with the rest of the gang in New Girl. This week features a back-to-back episodes of your favorite quirky cast.

This season opens with the school firing her, along with the other 10% non-tenure teachers at work due to cut backs.Jess comes home and the guys find out her problem. They try to cheer her up, knowing how she is when she's down, but she stops them then and there asking no pity from the boys.

Meanwhile, Schmidt is now back to his old self as his cast is finally off (remember his broken penis?) and is planning to "re-brand" himself after 2 months of you-know-what by throwing a party. Since Jess is on a job hunt, she volunteers herself so Schmidt would hire her as a shot girl to his party. Schmidt also hires Nick as his bartender. At first he refuses, but Winston then encourages Nick of his talents in making drinks so he says yes.

Cece attends the party and she introduces her new boyfriend to Schmidt. Schmidt was surprised to find her moving on with a guy who looks kinda like him before he was hot--a chubby nerd. Schmidt comes to talk to Winston and Nick about this. Schmidt introduces himself to Cece's boyfriend and he finds out how much of a loser he thinks her new boyfriend is. Later on, he talks to Cece and comes to term with the reality that is their break up.

Nick sees Jess, who seems sad after screwing up her job for the night and since she hates pity and sympathy, Nick talks down on Jess so she won't feel sorry for herself. Jess, all fired up, goes up to the bar and dances her ass off--in her own dorky way. Everyone cheers her up and she realizes her situation and walks out telling Nick, "I'm a teacher, not a shot girl". She drives to the school she used to work in and Nick follows to comfort her (awwww!). He tells her that she'll be better and he gives her "the beating" so he could cheer her up.

Episode 1 "Re-launch" guest stars Parker Posey as the other shot girl, Casey, and Nelson Franklin as Robby, Cece's new boyfriend.


Now on to episode 2 of New Girl's season premiere.

Jess becomes crazy being unemployed. She tries doing all sorts of stuff at home to preoccupy herself. At first they think it was okay, as she was just cooking and cleaning the house, until the boys sees a weird collage Jess made for them. Clearly, Jess is in way too deep. Nick tells her to take a break. She takes his advice and gets drunk at 11am as her way of "getting off the grid". Jess meets Nick's friends and instantly had a connection with Andy. She asks Nick for his number. Later on she meets Sam (David Walton, Bent) at the bar, who was suppose to see Katie, a girl he met at a site called Cuban Match. Jess, pretends to be her and scores an instant date.

Nick and Jess also meets an old man named Nick. He tells Nick he came from the future and that he's the future him. He tells him things to prove he IS him and leaves immediately. He tells Schmidt about it and Jess comes in to tell the boys to call her Katie. After Sam leaves, Nick's friend from the bar texts her asking her out. Jess becomes so into her Katie persona that she decides to keep that identity and dates both Sam and Andy.

Unfortunately, Nick thought that the guy Jess has been crushing on is Bearclaw. She only finds out when he comes in for dinner and upon opening the door, it wasn't Andy who's coming over. Jess ditches her date after she gets a text from Sam and has sex with him at the bar. While doing the deed at the bar's men's room, Jess hears Andy and Bearclaw talking about her. Andy tells Bearclaw that he felt a connection with Jess and that he likes her too. He was wondering though, why she got Bearclaw's number and not his. Jess was caught at the men's room by Bearclaw doing the deed with Sam, pisses off Andy and crushes Bearclaw's heart. Nick was shocked and called her on both names--Jess and Katie.

Jess explains herself to Andy and a sobbing Bearclaw about the number mix-up and apologizes to both men. She also admits to Sam about her real identity. Old Nick says goodbye to Present Nick. He tells him to apologize to Jess and make her an old-fashioned again. Turns out, Old Nick was just a crazy old man who lives at the back of the bar.

Winston's family comes over to visit and Schmidt tries to impress them, thinking Winston's mom hates him. Alisha (Keenyah Hill; ANTM Cycle 4), Winston's sister becomes one of Schmidt's targets. He tells Winston of his plans when his mother walks in on them talking. Schmidt instantly becomes this wannabe black, just so Winston's mom would like him. He crashes into Winston's dinner with his mom, sister, and her team mates at LA Sparks, making a complete fool out of himself. She says, she don't date guys who aren't ballers. So he challenges her to a game. Of course he lost, what do you think?!

Nick still took Future Nick's advice, thinking that someday he might do something very bad to Jess, in advance says sorry. She says she forgives him, no matter what it is. Their talk was interrupted by a visit from Sam. He says that he doesn't care if Jess was not the person she said she was when they met. Just like her, he too lied on his profile and that all he wants to have sex with her. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad this show is back, and they really got right into things. She lost her job, met 3 men, and was a shot girl all in one night! They were really telegraphing a relationship between her and Nick too. I was talking to a coworker at DISH about the show, and he doesn’t want to see Nick and Jess get together because it would be too predictable. I think that it would be interesting because there are a lot of ways it could end. I will admit that I watched Dancing with the Stars when these aired, but I was able to catch them off of a recording that my Hopper automatically made for Primetime Anytime. I love how even with all of the new shows staring at once I can keep up with everything on the major networks without setting any timers. I wonder how long this new guy Sam will be around, he seems kind of random.
