Thursday, October 4, 2012

Jess and Nick Goes to a Date; Schmidt Pretends to be a Romney! - New Girl S02E03 Recap

Sam bootie-called Jessica and is having a hard time separating her feelings from casual sex. She runs to Nick for advice. The next morning, Jess tells the guys of her night. TMI! Nick tells Jess that she needs to date a guy that she likes and not just some guy for bootie call. Besides, Sam is not the boyfriend material. Schmidt suggests that they bring her on a date that night--Jess, Winston, Nick and Schmidt.

Schmidt dreams of having Kanye West as a friend. He bails on his date with the gang after hearing that Kanye is coming to a club. He brings Winston with him, leaving Nick alone with Jess. Jess comes in looking all pretty and Nick starts acting awkwardly. He complements Jess in a weird way saying she looks "Vava-vava-voooooms!!!". He tells her that the guys aren't coming and since they're already there, Jess tells him that they just stay and have dinner together.

Meanwhile at the club, Schmidt notices that Winston has been staring at a girl for 5 minutes. He tells Winston that he'd better be staring at her because he's checking her out or he'll suspect he's a serial killer. Winston fesses to Schmidt that he hasn't had sex with his girlfriend Shelby for three weeks now and that his love life is in a bit of a rut lately as Shelby is always shutting him down whenever he tries to become intimate with her. Therefore, him looking at the girl at the bar is like him cheating in his mind at the moment. He feels guilty and Schmidt tells Winston it's just normal and most people do it.

Upon entering the club, Schmidt was turned away by the club bouncer. Winston suggests he lose the douchey belt. Schmidt refuses because he thinks the belt is amazing. Winston has a plan and if he won't lose the belt, Schmidt just had to make the belt work. Winston talks to the bouncer pretending to be Schmidt's bodyguard, and Schmidt pretends to be a Romney.

Back at the bar, Jess and Nick were surprised at how fancy the restaurant Schmidt picked. Turns out they can't afford it. Jess, luckily, brought white wine with her, placed in a thermos. The waitress notice them drinking with the thermos, when Sam suddenly texts Jess that he wants to hang out. She leaves Nick with her thermos at the restaurant and he gets drunk by himself.

Winston sees Cece at the bar and suspects that it's not Kanye, but Cece that Schmidt is stalking. Cece comes over when a girl approaches Schmidt thinking he's a Romney kid. Winston walks Cece from Schmidt and a girl approaches. Schmidt introduces himself as "Tug Romney", scoring some Republican chick that night.

The next morning, Nick and Jess are talking at the bathroom when she notice Winston staring weirdly at her (yes, he's cheating at Shelby with Jess on his mind! lol). Jess tells the dudes that she had a great night in bed with Sam, because of Nick's advice (and cue Winston's creepy stare again!). She asks Nick to Ikea and he says yes.

Winston begins to notice that Nick is starting to become Jess' "fluffer", doing all the boyfriend stuff for her, without the benefits of becoming a boyfriend. Nick quickly dismisses his idea. He later on realizes that Winston may be right and he tells Jess he's not her fluffer. Since Jess doesn't know what that means, Nick explains it to her and he tells her that it seems like he's her emotional fluffer. Jess tells her that's not what he think he is.

Suddenly, Nick brings up about Winston's idea that he's kind of Jess' "boyfriend without the benefits". Jess thinks that Nick might want something more that's why they're having that argument. And being the only girl roommate, she asks him if he has fantasies of her. Nick admits that he has in his dreams, but never when he's conscious. Jess admits that she did too, but dismisses it thinking it's never gonna work between the two of them. Jess then enumerates the reasons why Nick drives her nuts. Nick thinks that she needs him because Sam doesn't do the boyfriend stuff--just sex. So Jess calls Sam for a date.

Nick feels terrible about his fight with Jess. Winston tells him that he has to set boundaries with Jess. He still can do stuff with her, but they have to set limits, so he won't seem like a fluffer. Jess, however, realizes, through Sam, that what she's doing to Nick is actually not a friend thing, but more like the boyfriend/husband type of errands.

Schmidt now becomes obsessed with his new life pretending to be Tug Romney. He studied Romney facts that night just so he can impress the ladies and tricking them into thinking he's the Prez hopeful's son. Cece tells him that it's a bad idea.

Schmidt wouldn't listen and still pretends as Tug. Unfortunately, his lies caught up with him. One of the girls at Kappa's for Romney felt he's lying and they researched him on the spot. Schmidt tries to lie out of it with a speech about "his life" being a Romney kid. Girls didn't bought it so he left.

Schmidt texts Cece about it and they talk. He confides that he's done with being a Romney. He opens up about his daddy issues and Cece advises him to forgive his dad because, well, he's his dad. Cece comforts Schmidt, then hands him his phone so he can call his dad.

Winston finally confesses of his "cheating" with Shelby. She says it's okay. Afterwards, she invites him to her home to watch TV. She thinks that after a fight, she just wants to watch some TV. To Winston, they just talked.

Nick, with all the boyfriend-without-benefits talk, still put up the dresser for Jess. She walks in on Nick assembling it for her and she tells him to stop. Nick insists building her dresser because he thinks it's like "high stakes Legos". She agrees to him doing it, but while he's at it, she opens up about their friendship. She admits that she has no idea about him being her emotional fluffer because she never had friends like that. She thinks that their situation might complicate things, and she doesn't wanna mess things with Nick. Nick says that he was just pissed because he knows that his friendship with Jess is different that's why they had that argument. He hates it when people would dictate how he should act around Jess as his friend. His only problem is, he doesn't wanna be Jess' date BEFORE she has sex with some other guy. After the talk, Nick gives her a mixed CD--"Nick's Sexy Mix".

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