Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Switched At Birth Recap - Tree of Forgiveness

On this episode of Switched at Birth, John's carwash is sponsoring a motorcycle show. Unfortunately, his place was vandalized again--this time, it was not Bay. John was furious about it, thinking it was the same person who vandalized his place at both occasions. Bay tries to defend it because, well first of all, she made the first graffiti, and unlike the second one, hers is far too different. She is saying that there is a difference between the two art works and that those weren't done by the same person. Bay explains to John why people do graffiti--to be seen, but John thinks otherwise and explains that what it is to him is a felony that could just be the same as breaking and entering. Of course, Bay begs to differ, but John is adamant and will not let things like these get away.

John talks to Kathryn how upset he was on the graffiti and on how Bay's reaction was on the whole thing. Kathryn talks sense to John about how teenagers are and how she was back then with her own father, and letting him think that that's how kids are.

Meanwhile, Kathryn talks to Angelo about the nurse, who was his insider at the hospital where the Kathryn and Regina gave birth. She told him that their lawyers and investigators are talking to Leann, the nurse. Kathryn told him how she found out who his insider at the hospital was and how she knew that they used to be together. He confessed on how he met her and how she told Angelo about the baby switching.

Back to Bay, she talked to Zarra about the tag. She says that the reason why she tagged it is because Bay's artwork was painted it clean. Bay told her that she shouldn't have done that, without saying a word to Zarra that it was Bay's father's carwash and that Bay herself covered her artwork, cleaning up the wall. Zarra, on the other hand, wasn't paying attention to her, focusing on Bay's car, which she's been eyeing on for quite some time now. Somehow, Bay's message about not vandalizing the carwash didn't come across. But a sudden turn of events changes things. Bay, Zarra and the rest of her friends were caught by the cops doing a piece on an alley wall. One of the police checks on Bay and sees her ID, revealing her identity to Zarra as John Kennish's daughter. Zarra, was disappointed, when upon putting two and two together, she finds out that it was Bay who bombed her dad's wall.

Emmett meets a new girl at the carwash's motorcycle show event. The girl is practically like Emmett--deaf and is a motorcycle afficionado. What's more, she races. Kinda badass, if you ask me. Daphne thinks they should be together, but Emmett's still hung up on Bay. Daphne then talks to Bay about this and tells her that if she still cares about Emmett, she would tell him to move on and not let him hang on to any glimmer of hope he thinks Bay is giving, so they'd get back together.

Kathryn asks Toby if he could play at his dad's event at the carwash but he refuses. He thinks that he's not going anywhere anyway, so he'd rather play his music to himself. Kathryn then thought of a plan to make Toby realize his dreams and believe on how good he really is. She asks Toby to come with her at a rummage sale and Toby obliges. He doesn't know that it wasn't really a rummage sale. She tricked him to play at the church, thinking this would also get him out of the slump he was in after his break up with Simone.

At church, Toby was introduced as Guitar Face--his band with Emmett and Wilke. He then at the last minute refused to play. Kathryn tries to convince him once more and Toby was left with no choice but to tell his mom truth about how he and Simone broke up. He said Simone did not dump him, but that she had sex with Bay's Emmett. And so Kathryn, instead went on stage and told the people that there is no more Guitar Face and sang in front of people, taking Toby's place. Toby, was then encouraged to play with his mother, making the people at church (and one cute girl!) applaud. Cute girl, Nikki, comes over to Toby and asks him to come and play the next time. Toby declines as it was just a one-time thing singing for the church with his mom.

Speaking of Simone, our most favorite Kennish enemy, was seen by Regina outside a liquor store, paying someone to buy her vodka. She once saw her at an AA meeting and thinks that she might be in trouble. She found out from Simone that she was dropped by her sponsor and has stopped coming to AA meetings. She asked her what's wrong and Simone confided about how everyone hates her because of her cheating on Toby by sleeping with Bay's boyfriend. She thinks she deserves it and started drinking because she hated herself for all the things that she did. Regina comforts her that she may have done all those things, that had many people suffer through her thoughtless acts, but that doesn't mean she has done the worst things. That she should make amends and move on. She told Simone how she was when she was younger and she was still a drunk. She told her that it's not their job to forgive her but she has to go back to her AA meetings.

Bay talks to Emmett about how things aren't okay with her at home. She tells him about the artwork she painted on her dad's carwash. He advises Bay to give her dad a chance to know that it was her artwork that was painted at the wall of the carwash. Bay wouldn't wanna admit to her dad about it, thinking that it would hurt him so much, knowing that vandalism is a felony and that she was the one who vandalized his business.

So Bay, at Emmett's advice, admits to her dad that it was her artwork that defaced his carwash wall. She also admits to all the graffiti that she did all over town, telling him that it wasn't a thug thing to her, but art. She tells him she's sorry and that the reason why she did that so she'd be seen by her father, but to this John replied that he feels like he doesn't know her anymore. She comes back to Emmett and tells him that his advice didn't go as planned. Robin, the deaf girl Emmett and Daphne met the day before, comes over to tell Emmett that she voted for his bike at she motorcycle show. He introduces her to Bay and she invites them to Robin's race at Odessa. Bay realizes that she does have to let go now of Emmett, by letting him be with someone like Robin and leaves the two to be alone.

Now we all know that Angelo is trying to woo back Daphne and is doing all that he can to win his daughter back. However, Daphne is still hurt about him leaving when she was young and would rather Angelo stays out of her way. Unfortunately, living at the Kennishes will never make her avoid him forever. Angelo gets into a minor accident while helping out fixing things at the Kennishes, and Daphne finds him, his hand bleeding with a nail stuck on it. She drives him to the hospital to get immediate care.

At the hospital, Daphne told him to groan so he could be taken care of faster by the nurses. Angelo thinks that things are finally getting better between them until Daphne denies him at the nurses saying that she is not his daughter. Angelo was hurt and tells her that at some point she will someday forgive him for leaving her and Regina and made it clear that he will never stop making up for everything that he did years back. That he's not the bad guy that she think she is, who left her because she's deaf. Later on, he spoke with Regina and she got mad at him about the nurse. He told her that they had to move forward, instead of always going back to the past. The next morning, Daphne got Angelo a pair of gloves as peace offering and learns that he is now learning how to sign.

John tells Kathryn about what happened to him and Bay and realized that they have missed a lot on Bay that she ended up like that. Bay comes to explain to Zarra everything about her being Bay Vasquez and Bay Kennish. Zarra admits that she was weirded out by Bay being rich, as she expected Bay to be like her. She finds a friend in her.

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