Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Planking is NOT a Crime

Hi all! So sorry if I haven't updated my blog in the past few months. Been busy with mommy duties and stuff. But anyway, I'm back. :)

So, this just in. A Quezon City (Philippines) representative by the name of Winston "Winnie" Castelo has just filed a law against planking. Well, planking especially by students. Most of you know that the Philippines is a third world country. So having that said, many people don't have the opportunity to go to school, eat three times a day, live on just one job, clothe themselves, heck get a roof to shelter them. Now there are soooo many crimes in our country--in all countries of course. But he's more focused on banning plankers in the country than protect people from robbers, killers, rapists, corrupt public officials and all those sorts. Funny how he's put those plankers on top of his priorities than well, you know what I mean.

It's so funny how narrow people's mind are as far as having fun goes. It's funny how students could run around naked, with their privates dangling in all it's glory and he'd be fine with it. But planking to be made illegal? What a shame!

If only he's like Prime Minister Dunne (New Zealand), who couldn't care less about planking. Or Thailand's Chuwit Kamolvisit whose just in it for fun as others are.

Seriously, I am not in favor of this whether I plank or not. Let's focus on more important things like foreign policy, peace talks, poverty and education than dwell on this, 'kay?

Oh and please, do us a favor, Quezon City. DO NOT RE-ELECT STUPID POLITICIANS LIKE HIM. Thank you.

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